Ontario Launches New Interactive Investment Map

New interactive Investment Map allows users to navigate through regions across the province to discover investments by location and sector, while providing details about jobs created and government supports.

THORNHILL – Today, we unveiled a cutting-edge digital map that showcases the transformative investments our province has attracted since 2018. This map is a great tool for economic development organizations, municipal governments and local or international businesses looking to invest in Ontario. It also provides a great visual representation of the remarkable economic growth we’ve achieved over the past five and a half years.

We are building the economy of the future to benefit you today. We’re making local investments in electric vehicles, tech, life sciences, food and manufacturing to create jobs and help build the economy in communities across Ontario.

These investments will help companies expand operations and place Ontario — and companies throughout the province — in a competitive global position.

Explore the map to discover how we’re rebuilding our economy and adding hundreds of thousands of new jobs.

Check it out: https://www.ontario.ca/page/building-our-economy